xMUD Overview

What is XMUD.XYZ

XMUD. This revolutionary platform provides players with a highly playable and highly flexible environment to breed, cultivate and trade all virtual characters.

Featured gameplay:

  1. Cultivate characters: In XMUD.XYZ, players can freely cultivate and breed virtual characters and establish bonds that reflect the ownership of characters in the real world.

  2. Twitter Treasure Chests: Users can explore and browse Twitter to find hidden treasure chests and unlock valuable rewards for their characters.

  3. Farm: Character owners have the opportunity to cultivate a virtual farm and earn additional rewards to enhance the character's abilities.

  4. Make money together: This feature promotes community collaboration and enables users to increase their income by collaborating with others.

  5. Market: The decentralized market provides a safe platform for users to buy, sell and trade characters and related items.

  6. Staking: Users can pledge their assets to earn interest, thus increasing the value of their assets held in the XMUD.XYZ ecosystem.

  7. Borrowing: XMUD.XYZ introduces a borrowing mechanism, allowing users to borrow xMUD tokens using their own assets as collateral.

  8. Conversion: The platform provides a convenient conversion system that enables users to exchange between xMUD and bMUD assets.

  9. Revenue sharing: XMUD.XYZ implements a transparent revenue sharing mechanism to ensure that part of the platform revenue is returned to the community. With these powerful features, XMUD.XYZ redefines the virtual character ownership experience.

  10. By harnessing the potential of blockchain, it guarantees security, transparency and authenticity of all interactions.

  11. Join XMUD.XYZ and become part of a community that celebrates the joy and rewards of avatar companionship.

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